Monday, July 7, 2008


Example of an F visa invitation letter

The official invitation letter which you need to get an F visa. Note it has been chopped by a Chinese ministry and clearly indicates where the application for the F visa should take place. 

Health Check Form for Foreigners

In case you need to pass  the Health Check abroad, take this form to the hospital recommended by the Chinese Embassy in your country. You do not need to bring the form if you do the Health Check in China!

Personal invitation letter form

This is the form you need when you apply for a tourist visa and are not staying at a hotel, but at a friends' or family member's place. Please note that some countries won't allow you to use a personal invitation unless you are direct family of the person inviting you. The form can be filled out on screen. Please note you'll have to provide additional documents - check this post for details!

Hotel booking confirmation template

This is how the hotel booking confirmation should look like when you apply for a tourist or business visa. It has to cover the complete duration of your stay!

PSB Info: How to extend your L visa (page 1)

PSB Info: How to extend your L visa (page 2)

This is the PSB's leaflet on how to extend tourist visas in Beijing, published in May 2008.

Visa application form

The general visa application form for all visa types, for English speaking applicants.